Larry and I started a class this week. Fido FUNdamentals. It's a clicker-training class for basic behaviors and a few simple "tricks." Of course, they're all tricks if you want to look at it that way.
There's 8-9 dogs in the class, including Teddy B and Malachi. The first week we worked on sit, down, staying, recall and walking nicely on leash. Larry had quite the good time, but by the end was a little over the top and nipping at my fingers when taking treats - a very unusual behavior for him.
It's very exciting to learn stuff! |
I was very happy with how he did, especially how quickly he got over all the distractions available. Very nice for his first formal class setting. And it already looks like a new environment and some outside encouragement has given us the kick that might actually lead to a stay!
You mean I don't have to bounce off Mom
to remind her to give me a cookie?? |
The instructors suggested that I bring the treats in faster and lower (oh, my aching back!) to try to keep the leaping to a minimum, and it seems to be helping. (They were all quite impressed with the height of his vertical leap.) The help and advice on my clicking/treat delivery may make the class a success no matter what else happens!
And although I didn't write up another chart to track our progress this week, with clear goals in mind and knowing that we want to go back next week showing improvement has made me more focused on what we want to accomplish and more consistent in what we're working on.
In the agility front, the weavepoles went down to a two inch channel, and he's still driving ahead of me. I really had to stop myself from closing them down further. Baby steps, baby steps. I don't want to push too hard and wind up back at square one.